3-Day Intermediate Workout

by Average D.

This workout is similar to the 3-Day Basic Workout, with changes in reps or sets. The body parts worked will remain the same.

w Warm-up set
+ Increase weight from previous set
Decrease wight from previous set
= Weight remains the same from previous set

Day 1: Chest / Triceps / Abs

Warm-Up: Jog for 5-10 minutes on a treadmill, do 10 sit ups, and perform 3 sets of push-up for 5 repetitions (1 regular set, 1 close hand set, and 1 wide hand set).

Barbell Bench Press: 10 w / 8 + / 6 + / 12 –

Barbell Scull Crushers: 10 / 8 = / 6 =

Lying Leg Raise: 15 / 15

Incline Dumbbell Press: 8/ 6 + / 12 –

Dumbbell Kick-backs: 15 / 12 = / 10 =

Ab Crunch: 15/ 15

Cable Fly: 15 / 12 = / 10 =

Cable Triceps Extension: 15 / 12 = / 10 =

Side Leg Raise: 15 / 15

Day 2: Back / Biceps / Abs

Warm-Up: Jog for 5-10 minutes on a treadmill, do 10 sit ups, and perform 3 sets of pull-up for 5 repetitions (1 regular set, 1 close hand set, and 1 reverse hand set).

Dead lift: 10 w / 8 + / 6 + / 12 –

Barbell Curl: 10 / 8  + / 6 +

Lying Leg Raise: 15 / 15

Dumbbell Row: 10 / 8 =/ 6 +

Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 8 / 6 + / 12 –

Ab Crunch: 15 / 15

Cable Lat pull down: 15 / 12 = / 10 =

Concentration Curl: 15/ 12 = / 10 =

Side Leg Raise: 15 / 15

Day 3: Legs / Shoulders / Abs

Warm-Up: Jog for 5-10 minutes on a treadmill, do 10 sit ups, and perform 10 repetitions each of weightless squats and weightless lunges.

Squat: 10 w / 8 + / 6  + / 12 –

Military Press: 8  / 6  + / 12 –

Lying leg Raise: 15 / 15

Leg Extensions: 15 / 12  = /10 =

Dumbbell Side raise: 8 / 8 = / 8 =

Ab Crunch: 15 / 15

Leg Curls: 15 / 12 = / 10 =

Dumbbell front raise: 8  / 8 = / 8 =

Side Leg Raise: 15 / 15

Standing Calf Raise: 20 / 15  = / 12 =

w Warm-up set
+ Increase weight from previous set
Decrease wight from previous set
=  Weight remains the same from previous set

The method behind the sets and reps are what I have used to increase size and strength. While, not every one’s goals is to get huge, it is still a good workout to use every once in a while. Using the same workout constantly will result in your body getting used to it and losing interest. You may even stop seeing results.


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derp November 15, 2010 at 10:34 am

i like

me November 20, 2010 at 10:30 am


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