Lower Your Carbs:

Controlling Your Carbohydrate Intake I’m sure you’ve all heard of low-carb diets. It has been hyped for years now and it has its share of advocates and opposers. I’m a low-carb diet advocate.Let me explain: When I say low-carb diet, I don’t mean just a temporary diet. I am referring to your actual diet; what […]

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Top 4 Supplements for Average Dudes

My fellow Average Dudes, here is a list of supplements you should be taking for your health. Some are just plain smart to take and some will help you in your weight loss or muscle building efforts. There are many products available and a great deal of those products do work, but many don’t either. […]

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3-Day Basic Workout

The method Each day you will work out two body parts.  Abs will also be worked out with each workout. Do not work out your abs two days back-to-back. You may change the order in which you perform these exercises, but I will outline how I do my base workout schedule. Each exercise will be performed […]

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Cardio: The Basics

Run for your life! Really, dude. You know you should do it, but still you don’t. Why? Cuz it sucks! True, cardio is a pain in the ass, but many of us don’t get enough of it. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t get enough myself, and I’m sure I get more […]

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